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Welcome To Antosz Vincelli Orthodontics

Is the thought of meeting orthodontic superheroes making you feel a little nervous?

No need. The staff at Antosz Vincelli Orthodontics is one big family…and we are happy to include you, too.


During your new patient visit to Antosz Vincelli Orthodontics, we will take you on a tour of our office.


Just like each person is unique, so is your bite, and so is your treatment. Makes so much sense right?!


Our comprehensive assessment includes:

  • 3D high definition scans instead of X-rays
  • 3D high definition scans instead of messy dental impressions
  • Orthodontic examination by our Treatment Coordinator
  • Orthodontic treatment plan by our Orthodontist

We’ll explain your orthodontic treatment options and discuss them in detail with you.

Accepting New Patients

Make An Appointment Today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What to expect during your first visit

Getting to know you

During your first visit, we will ask questions and examine your mouth to find out exactly what you would like us to do and what the current situation is. This may take a while, but it is important to make sure we have all the details in order to create the most favourable outcome possible. Our examination may include x-rays and teeth impressions.

Getting to know us

You’ll have a chance to meet the people who are going to be involved in your orthodontic treatment. We’re going to be together for a while, and we want to start building a good working relationship.

Orthodontic Treatment plan

Once we have all the details, we will make a general treatment plan. The plan will include information about the expected treatment length, how often you will be visiting us, and the estimated costs. Of course, we will speak about payment options, including how your insurance coverage can help with all or part of the expense.

When do I start my treatment?

At your complimentary consultation, we’ll finish off by making sure you understand when your next appointment is and what we will be doing during that appointment.

Braces Do's & Don'ts

What if something breaks on my braces?

If something breaks or feels out of place, please try not to panic! We are here to help. Call our Calgary and Canmore orthodontic offices immediately for advice. We will figure out the urgency of your situation. Then, we will be able to see if we can wait until your next scheduled visit or arrange an earlier repair visit.


Your braces treatment will also include some information on how to treat some common problems at home, like irritating wires and brackets. You might be surprised to find just how many things you can solve on your own, but again, we are ready, willing, and able if you need us.


Use orthodontic wax to hold the broken bracket in place in your mouth until you can arrange to see your orthodontist. If the bracket has come loose, remove it, if you can easily, and bring it with you to the orthodontist for reattachment. Store the removed bracket in a protected place to prevent further damage.

What should I avoid when I eat with braces?

Although braces have become sturdier with modern technology, it’s still important to be careful not to damage them. Certain foods can damage braces components like the rubber bands, wires, or even the bracket itself. Generally, avoid all foods that are sticky, hard, or chewy. Soft foods are most recommended for those who wear braces because they are gentler on braces hardware.


Your Calgary and Canmore orthodontists want to give you their best advice about the foods to avoid:

  • Sticky candies like toffee, jujubes, caramels, skittles, etc.
  • Nuts, popcorn kernels
  • Hard granola bars
  • Suckers
  • Ice and popsicles
  • Hard candy (do not chew!)
  • Hard rolls, bagels, and pizza crust
  • Hard fruits and veggies: cut or break up into small pieces and chew with back teeth
  • Ribs and meat on bones
  • Corn on the cob: cut off before eating
  • Chewing pens, pencils, fingernails or using teeth to open things
  • Bubblegum (sugarless gum is okay!)

Adult Braces. Are they right for me?

Won't I feel odd and out of place if I opt to get braces as an adult?

On the contrary! And to show you just how popular braces-wearing adults are, it’s quiz time.


Q1: What percentage of adults are now filling the seats in orthodontists’ offices across the country and in Calgary and Canmore? A1: If you said 25%, you are correct. That means 1/4 of the orthodontic patients are adults just like yourself.


Q2: Who is more likely to be in that group – men or women? A2: Of the high number of adults choosing orthodontic treatment, men make up approximately 30% of these patients while women are still in the majority.


Remember: although childhood is the ideal time to make changes in the positioning of the teeth, more adults are opting for orthodontic treatment and coming away with excellent results. So, it is always a good idea to check and see if your bones, teeth, and gums can benefit.

How do I know if adult braces are right for me?

Have you considered having your teeth straightened but felt you were too old for orthodontic work? Are you dissatisfied with your smile but don’t know if braces are for you? Are you finding it hard to keep your teeth clean and your gums healthy? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, a trip to our Calgary and Canmore orthodontic offices may be in order.


WEARING BRACES IS A rite of passage for many kids. Orthodontic options that make braces inconspicuous are a big part of this rising popularity.


As braces have become less bulky and visible in recent years, more and more adults are wearing them, for a variety of reasons. Some adults want to correct problems with their teeth or jaws before they cause serious or further damage. Others want to feel better about their appearance by addressing longstanding cosmetic concerns. Keep in mind that even “cosmetic” problems can cause real damage over time. Teeth and jaws that are not aligned properly can lead to premature wear and tear, advanced tooth decay and gum disease, dentures or other reconstructive solutions and even more extensive surgery to correct serious problems.

What are some of the benefits of straight teeth as an adult?

Straight teeth are healthy teeth. Teeth that aren’t overly crowded are easier to keep clean. This means that adult gums will be healthier, and this will diminish the chances of decay and early tooth loss. All good reasons to visit our Calgary and Canmore orthodontic offices.


Teeth that do not line up properly can cause abnormal wear of tooth surfaces as well as cause excess stress on supporting bone and gum tissue. This can lead to gum disease and the eventual need for dentures.


Many adults suffer from temporomandibular disorders or TMD for short. These disorders can cause jaw clicking, headaches, facial pain and a vast array of symptoms. Proper tooth and jaw position can eliminate these problems.


7 Benefits of Having Straight Teeth

  • Easier to clean. Unlike overlapped or crooked teeth, brushing and flossing are a lot easier to perform on a straight set of teeth.
  • Lowers risks of disease.
  • Avoid losing teeth.
  • Maintain a healthy jawbone.
  • Decrease chances of having digestive issues.
  • Deal with fewer headaches.
  • Fewer chips, breaks, or cracks in teeth.

What are the advantages of having work done as an adult?

Our Calgary and Canmore orthodontic staff love youngsters, and as you probably saw from our office decor, we are still kids at heart. However, there are some advantages of starting orthodontic treatment as an adult.


First of all, adults tend to be more compliant in their treatment. They tend to follow Dr. Antosz’s directions more fully, and this can make a big, favorable difference in the outcome of their Calgary and Canmore orthodontic work.


Adults tend to wear their appliances and elastic bands as instructed, and this can help the teeth to move into their proper position at a quicker rate. Adults tend to follow the rules of good oral hygiene. While this is important at any age, it is especially important during orthodontic treatment.


Overall, adults are better patients, which can make a significant difference in the results.

What are the disadvantages of having work done as an adult?

Even though orthodontic treatment can produce great results on adults of all ages, it is better to begin as early as possible.


As you probably know, the bones of an adult, unlike those of a child, are no longer growing. As a result, treatment can be slower and take longer to accomplish. Another reason for the longer treatment time is the bone support for an adult’s teeth which is firmer than that of a growing child and is naturally more resistant to tooth movement.  Though this is a hindrance, it isn’t a deterrent, and the end results are usually well worth the wait.


As long as the teeth, the gums, and the underlying bone are healthy, teeth can be straightened at any age. So, it is always worthwhile to check your situation at our Calgary and Canmore orthodontic offices.


Calgary and Canmore orthodontists Dr. Antosz and Dr. Vincelli can expertly help you correct any problems with your teeth & jaws.

How is treatment approached for adults?

In most cases, treatment for adults is nearly identical for children. Adults, as well as children, need an individualized plan that our Calgary and Canmore orthodontic staff will decide upon.


1. The first step is a comprehensive oral exam that will evaluate the condition of your teeth, jaw and gums.


2. Next, our Calgary and Canmore orthodontists and team will use iCAT digital imaging technology to take images of your head, neck, airways, teeth and jaws. From these images, Dr. Antosz and Dr. Vincelli will get a clear picture of your orthodontic needs. Once a course of treatment has been detailed and fully discussed, our orthodontists will help you determine which options are right for you and your individual needs and concerns.


3. Then comes the big day when you get your braces or Invisalign®, and we will take care of you for the length of time for treatment.


4. Now you can grab a coffee in the Antosz Vincelli Lounge and participate in our many fun activities!


Calgary and Canmore orthodontists Dr. Antosz and Dr. Vincelli can expertly help you correct any problems with your teeth & jaws.

Financial Information

How does insurance for orthodontic treatment work?

Your insurance policy is an agreement between yourself and your insurance company. There is usually a lifetime maximum per person. How you decide to finance your orthodontic treatment is your decision and does not affect how your insurance company will reimburse you. Most insurance companies will only reimburse you for services rendered as they occur. In orthodontics, this means up to one-third of the total cost when treatment starts and each following month, an equal portion of the remainder for the estimated duration of treatment until the maximum has been reached.


Orthodontic insurance is separate from medical and dental. If you have dental insurance, most likely you have orthodontic benefits. Orthodontic benefits are separate from your normal dental insurance with your dentist. Orthodontic benefits are paid over the course of the treatment for the patient, and normally have a lifetime maximum or co-pay per patient.

Does Antosz Vincelli Orthodontics have a payment plan?

Antosz Vincelli Orthodontics in Calgary and Canmore realizes that orthodontic treatment can stretch the budgets of many of us. Even if there are insurance benefits or a Health Spending Account, there still may be high amounts that will need to be covered out of pocket. It may be difficult for such amounts to be paid all at once.


As a result, we have several payment options. One is a flexible payment plan which can be spread over the length of your treatment. We also have pay-in-full options.


Our Calgary and Canmore orthodontic staff welcome the opportunity to discuss this important aspect of treatment with you so we can choose the best option for your particular situation. Please contact our office to learn more.

What if I have coverage with more than one insurance company?

With organization and attention to a few basic principles, you will be able to manage your claims resulting from treatment in our Calgary and Canmore orthodontic practice.


You need to send pre-authorizations to all companies.


Claiming for a child: Each month, the parent with the birthday that falls earlier in the year would claim first with one of the companies, and then send the remainder to the second or third company along with a copy of the explanation of benefits. Remember that you cannot claim more than 100% of what you pay.


Simple rules—always submit the claim first to the benefit plan that belongs to whoever received treatment and to the other benefit provider once you have received your claim payment and a statement from the first.


With the coordination of benefits, you claim first with the plan you are a member of, then you claim any amount that was not reimbursed with the second plan.

Do I need to submit a pre-authorization?

Yes, in every case. All insurance companies require a pre-authorization for orthodontic treatment before they will accept claims.


Q: My insurance company says I need procedure codes. A: There is an agreement in place between Specialists in Orthodontics in Canada and the insurance associations that procedure codes are not required for orthodontic treatment.


Once you have established that you have orthodontic coverage, and after financial arrangements have been made with the orthodontic specialist, it is the obligation of the orthodontic office to provide you with a Canadian Association of Orthodontists Certified Specialist in Orthodontics Standard Information Form. Send this form immediately to the insurance company. The carrier will write to you directly about your coverage. When you make a payment to the orthodontic office, you will be provided with a receipt. Attach this to one of your Dental Claim Forms (filled in by the subscriber) and submit both to your insurance company who will re-imburse you directly.

I have run out of claim forms. What should I do?

You may have a dental plan through an employer or a union, as a student at university, or through a provincial government. Alternatively, you may have arranged for dental insurance on your own. Depending on your plan or insurance, you will be covered for a certain amount of orthodontic treatment.


It would be nice if insurers would pay out as much as we need. However, in general, dental plans and insurance policies have benefit limits. There are two main types of limits. Some have a maximum annual amount. This is the most the insurer will pay for a particular treatment each year. Then, there is the maximum lifetime limit which is the total amount the insurer will pay for a particular treatment over your entire life.


So, Step 1 is to check with your dental plan or insurance company to see if your last payment from them brought you to reach any of these limits. If so, that is why your claims forms have run out. If not, please call our Calgary and Canmore orthodontic financial coordinator to discuss this. (403) 247-3250.


By the way…the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) works closely with dentists to make sure that they are complying with privacy legislation when handling your personal details. The CDA has worked to create a Standard Claim Form so that the process is easier, no matter which dental plan or insurance you have.

We have new insurance coverage, what should I do?

If the new coverage is with the same employer, check with the human resources department to see whether you need a new pre-authorization. If you or your spouse has brand new coverage, you will need to call us and speak with one of our Calgary and Canmore orthodontic staff members to receive a new pre-authorization. You would then receive a confirmation from the new company as to the coverage that is still available if the patient is mid-treatment.


Changing employers and/or insurance companies during the course of your orthodontic treatment:


If you are working for the same employer and that employer changes insurance companies during your Calgary and Canmore orthodontic treatment, you can submit a claim to the new insurance company. That claim will be prorated according to the date the braces were put on and how many months of treatment are required. The new insurance company will consider how many months the prior insurance company has paid and how many months are left of treatment. In this case, usually, the new insurance company picks up the payments where the other company has left off. The word “usually” is used because when you have the same employer, your benefits should continue even though your employer has changed insurance companies. But, in some cases, there might be a pre-existing clause in your new benefit and the new insurance company will not continue payments. If this is the case, you should try to appeal to get your full benefit from your employer.


If you change employers, your benefit from the first employer will be stopped automatically. You can submit a claim to your new insurance company from your new employer and location. The new insurance should pick up payments when your orthodontist sends in a claim and submits the number of months left of treatment. Sometimes this is not covered due to a pre-existing clause in your new benefit.


In a nutshell: Insurance is complicated for orthodontic treatment due to the length of treatment and different plans. It is important to know your benefit, lifetime maximum, how it is paid, and at what percentage.


Will you submit my claims electronically?

As much as all of us in our Calgary and Canmore orthodontic offices would like to be helpful here, we will not be able to submit your claim forms for you. Firstly, we have no relationship with your insurance company, so there is no basis for us to be submitting a claim. Claims must be submitted by the person who has bought the insurance. Secondly, there is no system currently in place for us to claim orthodontic payments electronically. Perhaps in the future…


Some insurance providers do offer online claim submission. If they do, it is usually a user-friendly process as part of their website. These insurance providers have bought an online claim process that was created just for them. As we said earlier, at the moment, there is no national, online claim system.


In case you do make an online claim, take a screenshot of the payment confirmation. If your insurer also sends a confirmation email, make sure you save it. Online claims sometimes get lost, so you need proof that you have submitted one.


If you are not sure, our best advice is to check with your insurance provider and ask them about any electronic claim submission options which they have.

How do I claim fees from my insurance company?

Each insurance provider has slightly different procedures, but here is the general overview.


In our Calgary and Canmore orthodontic offices, you will receive claim forms to cover the entire treatment period or until your maximum benefit amount is reached.


You may be able to claim online; please check with your insurance provider. It is your responsibility to make your claims according to your insurance policy requirements. We do not submit claims on your behalf. Most insurance companies will not accept receipts for payment, and they often have time limits for submitting claims.


POINTS TO REMEMBER: Orthodontic specialists do not accept assigned payment from insurance companies. It is not necessary for the orthodontic specialist to fill in the Dental Claim Form as no dental codes are required for orthodontic coverage. Only one Certified Specialist in Orthodontics Standard Information Form is necessary to predetermine benefits, and once approved, no other insurance forms are necessary from the orthodontic office.

I have a Health Spending Account; is this the same as insurance?

Health Spending Accounts are not insurance plans. In general, they offer a way for people to get reimbursed for a variety of expenses related to health. Often, a Health Spending Account is in addition to a regular benefit plan. A Health Spending Account (HSA) must follow the guidelines of the Canada Revenue Agency. The rules of the Income Tax Act of Canada determine who can enroll in an HSA.


HSA’s have some aspects of tax planning and insurance. They are a tool for small business owners to reduce medical costs. There are no premiums or monthly charges associated with a Health Spending Account.


There are further differences as well. HSA’s do not require pre-authorization or claim forms but will accept receipts for reimbursement. In addition, with an HSA, your payments do not have to correspond with treatment rendered.

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